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Solfege and Music Theory: Write and recognize by sight and ear Music dictation and ear-before-eye philosophy.  

Music Appreciation:  Study composers and compositions.
Learn about individual instruments in the orchestra and listening music.

Choir: Sign unaccompanied, accompanied, and unison songs (focus on Folk songs and traditional children’s songs).

Rhythmic: Play rhythm instruments responsibly.
Move responsibly to music.

Chloe Silberman

Solfege and Music Theory: Write, recognize by sight and ear. Echo and sight-sing simple melody patterns using solfege syllables and hand signs.Music dictations.

Music Appreciation:  Study composers and their compositions. Learn about individual instrument families in the orchestra. Listening Music.      

Choir: Sing unaccompanied, accompanied, and unison songs (focus on folk and one-part and rounds).

Rhythmic: Play rhythm instruments responsibly (solo and accompanying).  Move responsibly to music.

John playing piano

Solfege and Music Theory:  Write, recognize by sight and ear. Write and recognize notes in treble clef Echo and sight-sing simple melody patterns using solfege syllables and hand signs. Music dictations.               

Music Appreciation: Study composers and their compositions. Learn about each individual instrument. Recognize instrument families by ear. Listening Music. 

Choir: Sing unaccompanied, accompanied, unison, and simple two-part songs (focus on folk songs, hymns, and spirituals). Develop a healthy vocal technique.

music recital 2018 210 scaled
Open House AS4A 2024 2025 (1)